Presidential Portrait #45
Good To Know: CoA (Certificate of Authenticity) issued by the artist.
Asking Price: Excludes international shipping and applicable import duties / charges. Please contact our gallery to obtain a shipping quote. Delivery within Singapore is free.
Series: Socio-Politicking Series
Arty-Fact: "In 2018, The former President signed Public Law 115-158, which prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for an official portrait of any federal official or officer, including the President, the Vice President, a member of Congress, the head of an executive agency, or the head of an office of the legislative branch. Booda Brand offers its "Presidential Portrait" proposal, gratis, to the National Portrait Gallery.
"They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Twice impeached, an unprecedented 30,000 plus public lies, resulting in carnage and unnecessary misery and death, but finally, the people have won the day.
"Power to the people, and may the world never see another." ~ Billy Ma, Booda Brand
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