The Connoisseur
Original painting, ‘The Connoisseur’ by Chris Gollon (1953 – 2017) 12” x 10” (30 x 25cm), acrylic on canvas, 2010, is now available and on display in the gallery.
Chris Gollon was a humble man, and although he had a great knowledge of European wine and cuisine, he would never impose his opinions or preferences on others. Disliking pomposity, he was deeply suspicious of people who called themselves "connoisseurs", which he shows very well in this painting.
IAP Fine Art holds Chris Gollon's artistic estate, and we help collectors begin or expand their collections. We also work with museums and cathedrals with regard to Chris Gollon exhibitions and acquisitions, and have just finished advising on a TV documentary on his life and work to be released in autumn 2024.
More original art and limited edition prints available at IAP Fine Art
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