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Gallery Shows

EIKON Schaufenster: Elisabeth Czihak. Being in Limbo

Visit the event's website Date: Wed 6th Sep 2017 to Wed 28th Feb 2018 This event was listed by: EIKON, Austria (Vienna)

Elisabeth Czihak. Being in Limbo
Duration: 6.9.2017 — 28.2.2018 (daily from 10am–10pm)
Opening: 5.9.2017, 7pm
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Q21 in MuseumsQuartier Wien / Schauräume, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

“Elisabeth Czihak’s works talk about the transformation of a seeming constant, as well as of the duration and the perseverance of architectonic bodies, traces of life and memories. Holding on to the transient, the hidden and the no longer existing, is one of the comprehensive themes of her documentary photography and the mostly abstract paper and wall drawings.” (Annette Südbeck)

With the current wallpaper-installation “Add-on”, paired with photographs arranged across the room, Czihak’s interest lies in the construction of space and its appropriation, aiming for architectonic expansion and a new sense of already given circumstances.

Elisabeth Czihak, b. 1966 in Tübingen, is an Austrian ceramicist, sculptor, graphic designer and photographer. Studies in Ceramics at the Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz and Sculpting at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Berlin with Lothar Fischer. In 2003 and 2005, she assisted Judy Fox and in 2007, Wang Fu at the Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst in Salzburg. Numerous contributions at international exhibitions and festivals.

Together with this opening EIKON presents the issue No. 99
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
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