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Global Art Traders

Canvas of the Soul

Categories: Articles, Artists in Focus

John Paul Fauves is a contemporary Artist from Costa Rica. His artistic journey started at a very young age after he became a student of Joaquin Rodriguez del Paso, one of the most important Costa Rican modern art teachers. John Paul spent 15 years studying and mastering his technique, and only a few years ago he finally started showcasing his work. In less than one year John Paul Fauves got international recognition as an artist and now exhibiting his works worldwide.

"I once read that an artist of the Romanticism era was created because they were so romantic when it came to life experiences – they always lived in the extremes and there was no middle ground. I am a canvas and my life experiences are brush strokes to my soul."

~ John Paul Fauves

John Paul Fauves last exhibition called A Loss Of Innocence. It discusses how we are all born innocent, but as we grow older, we start to experience events that create our new selves.

"I try to reflect on the hedonism of our own ego, where we search our own satisfaction no matter the consequences. I'm also using masks during the show trying to break this false ego creation we all have; once you have it on, you stop judging the external world.
The idea is to start looking for happiness within yourself and not within this constant shallow endless need of external distractions of the world. In my art I try to reflect on the deterioration of that false illusion and how this egocentric world creates us. The show has been held in New York and in Antwerp (Belgium) recently. From there it’s moved to Paris now in September with new art, and it’s going to travel to China in October. I am also planning the last show of the year to take place in Los Angeles."

~ John Paul Fauves

John Paul Fauves website